Author: Andreas Katzian
Set default values for has_one association
Sometimes you simply want to set some default values for an associated model within ActiveRecord without thinking too much of creating possible side effects when overriding methods like build_association or add model callbacks. The following example demonstrates the easiest way so far to achieve the desired functionality.
5 easy steps to integrate HealthKit
Whether you want to create a new HealthKit-enabled app or update your existing fitness or health app, this tutorial shows you how to easily integrate the new HealthKit API. This allows you to use all benefits of the iOS Health app, including storing your health and fitness data as well as reading health and fitness data […]
Creating iOS UITableViewCell animations
Today I gonna show you how you can easily animate your UITableViewCells with UIKit and QuartzCore out of the box functionality. This allows you to create smooth animation during state changes like adding or deleting some rows or sections of your table view.
Sprite flip animation with Cocos2D 3.1
After removing CCActionOrbitCamera from the Cocos2D framework our flip animation within on of our games did no longer work. We used it to simply flip cards with a nice visual effect. After searching for another approach for a while, we thankfully found something easy which may be useful for you too.
Porting Cocos2D game to OSX using SpriteBuilder
So you finished and polished your game for iOS by using Cocos2D and SpriteBuilder? Wouldn’t it be nice to publish your game on the Mac AppStore too? These tools and frameworks make it really simple to accomplish this project successfully. However, there are some real pitfalls to watch out for.
Pause scene with cocos2d an SpriteBuilder
Often games need something like a pause scene to pause the current game and to provide further options like quitting or restarting the current game. So as you may think this isn’t a big deal, right?
Updating sitemap file on Heroku
Preparing your Heroku application for using AWS S3 is really easy. You can just follow the steps at the Heroku AWS guide. Because you need to do some more steps to get it all working I summed up the instructions to have it all in one place. Our own website and this blog are using the sitemap_generator gem […]
Various ActiveResource Tips
Although you find the most of the following tips by simple googling or visiting the ActiveResource documentation, I just wanted to outline them on one single page again (mostly because of my obliviousness).
Show NSWindow below your NSStatusItem
Often, showing a simple menu in your status bar application is not sufficient enough. This short tutorial explains how you can show your own window right below of your status item. Inspired was this blog post by the following question on StackOverflow.
How to create a Mac OSX status bar application
Creating a Mac OS X status bar application is really straightforward. However, below you will find a condensed step-by-step tutorial to avoid unnecessary mistakes.