Author: Andreas Katzian
Create your own Xcode code snippets
Using the Code Snippet Library from Xcode is very handy sometimes. However, the library consists only of a small amount of available code snippets. But you are not limited to them, rather than you can create your own code snippets for code patterns you are using very often.
Swipe gestures on UITableView
User interactions on table cells don’t have to be necessarily restricted to simply scroll and tap them. However, with some additional code and the support of gesture recognizers introduced in iOS 3.2 you can give your users the possibility to swipe on your table view cells for exciting additional actions. A common task for that […]
PostgreSQL trivia
Sometimes it is necessary to use the psql command line tool to quickly explore odds in database. Often you also need to use some commands to view structure of your database or tables. In PostgreSQL (and also in other database systems) you can do that by querying system tables like pg_tables , pg_class , pg_attribute and so on.
UIDatePicker and UIPickerView
Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the color of the standard UIDatePicker and UIPickerView controls within your iOS application. Sadly the iOS SDK doesn’t support to change the background color or even the tint of these controls. A simple workaround for this is to create separate images and use them within an UIImageView as your custom overlay.
Take a screenshot within iOS simulator
Whether you want to tweak your user interface or you want to take some promotional images of your iOS application, it is often really helpful to take a screenshot of your iOS application which is running on the iOS simulator.
iAd Integration
Advertisements are another option to provide your iOS applications still for free but also to get some cash back for your work. Although ads are not that popular to app users Apple made a big hit with their new iAd network. I’d like to call iAd the next level of advertisement on mobile devices because […]
A infinite/endless paging UIScrollView
Infinity is a very powerful concept, so maybe my post title shouldn’t include this term. Anyway, I tried to create something similar to a infinite or endless paging scroll view. The idea is very simple: Create a view including a standard scroll view. Provide an interface to load views for each page on demand. Cache […]
Transparent UIToolBar
Sometimes it is really necessary to have a transparent UIToolBar within you iPhone app. Especially if you want to add a UIToolBar to your UINavigationBar you get some problems with overlaying backgrounds (UIBarStyleBlackOpaque did not work for a toolbar on a black opaque navigation bar).
Custom Popover View
The possibility to show popover views (modal or non modal) is a really cool thing within the new iPhone OS 3.2. It allows you to display important information, request some input from the user or present some kind of navigation structure. Anyway, it depends on your application but it helps to focus the user on […]
iPad split view application
The split view is something very cool within the new iPhone OS 3.2. It allows us to visualize a master-detail view in a very simple manner. Combined with iPads’ big display of 1024×748 pixels it will be possible to create even better, more user-friendly and valuable applications.